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AccurateRip 与不支持精确流的光驱

有人在配置 EAC 的时候使用了不支持「精确流」技术的光驱,会导致弹窗报错,我们来看看这到底是怎么回事。

先说结论,该光驱的主人中奖了。Optiarc DVD RW AD-7563A 应该被妥善保存,因为我用过的光驱也好几个了,见过的光驱也很多,像这样的还是头一个,这个弹窗提示我也是第一次见,但是不妨碍我们解读其含义。


计算的偏移值并不恒定:该光驱可能并不支持「精确流」技术,因此,它将无法使用 AccurateRip,并从现在开始(在软件上)禁用。



Back around the turn of the century when digital audio extraction (DAE) was relatively new, some drives couldn't provide audio data from precise locations. Each time it was told to read a block of audio, a drive might produce data that was shifted slightly ahead or slightly behind. When an adjacent block of data from a subsequent read is shifted, it will either begin with samples repeated from the previous block, or samples between the blocks will be omitted. In DAE, this phenomenon is often called jitter or synchronization error. To compensate for this problem, EAC is able to overlap every read in order to detect and correct any misalignment.

Essentially all drives produced today have a feature called 'Accurate Stream' which significantly reduces (if not completely eliminates) the chance that audio data will be shifted between successive reads. When informed that a drive has this feature, EAC will only periodically overlap its reads to check for synchronization problems.

From hydrogenaudio.

译文:在数字音频抓取技术相对稚嫩的世纪之初,一些光驱并不能从精准的位置获取音频数据。每次它被命令去读取一个音频块时,光驱都可能提供来自稍微往前后跑偏一丢丢位置的数据。随后读取的相邻数据块在发生偏移时,可能会从之前的块重复读取采样作为起始,也可能会导致两个块之间的采样被忽略。在抓轨技术中,此现象通常被称为抖动(jitter)或同步错误(synchronization error)。为弥补此问题,EAC 能够将每次读取叠加起来,以检测和纠正任何错位。当今生产的所有光驱基本上都有「精确流」功能,它能够显著减少(如果不能完全消除)音频数据在连续读取间跑偏的可能性。在知晓驱动器具有此功能时,EAC 将周期性地叠加其读取以检查同步问题。


  • 你放进去的得是参校碟,不然不会启动计算偏移值的进程;
  • 如果光驱不支持「精确流」,那么抓取的数据很可能出错;
  • 很多玄学家鼓吹的「抖动」问题,在「精确流」和 EAC 的双重保障下并不成威胁;
  • 支持「精确流」的光驱会具有一个恒定的偏移值,而恒定的偏移值是启用 AccurateRip 的基本条件。

AccurateRip 是啥?

简而言之,它是一个能帮助你校验音频数据的网络抓轨数据库。具体信息见 AccurateRip 详解 一文。



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